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How Warehouse Automation Helps in Busy Seasons

Learn how different types of warehouse automation aid companies with increased warehouse efficiency & streamline warehouse operations ahead of Christmas.

Warehouse automation

In anticipation of the upcoming holiday season, businesses find themselves at a crossroads, facing unprecedented challenges in the wake of Black Friday’s hustle and the festive Christmas rush. The surge in consumer demand has rippled across the supply chain, underscoring the critical need for adaptive strategies, such as warehouse automation, to navigate this dynamic landscape.

Sortation systems

At the forefront of these challenges lies the impact of labour shortages, particularly noticeable in distribution centres (DCs) and warehouses. Traditionally, the influx of temporary staff during the holiday rush now faces disruptions, creating a significant hurdle for warehouse managers. To address this, integrating warehouse automation becomes vital. As businesses gear up for the heightened activity of the season, automating key processes can help mitigate staffing challenges. 


Implementing automation solutions, such as robotic systems or automated sorting and packing, can enhance efficiency, reduce dependency on temporary staff, and ensure a smooth operation during peak times. This approach not only streamlines workflow but also maintains consistent output quality, essential in meeting the seasonal demand surge.


Warehouse Automation the Solution to Labour Shortages?


The upcoming year presents multiple challenges: there’s not only a well-known shortage of HGV drivers but also a significant lack of warehouse workers. The growing trend of online shopping over in-store buying increases the need for skilled labour in distribution centres and warehouses.


Recent data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed that demand for warehouse staff in the UK rose by 43.2% at the end of 2022 when compared with pre-pandemic levels.


December 2022 saw over 1,000 more job adverts for warehousing jobs in the UK than in the same month of 2019


Companies in the warehouse and distribution centre sector are facing complex challenges. These include replacing EU staff, addressing critical role shortages, and navigating the shift from physical storefronts to digital marketplaces. These challenges underscore the indispensable role that efficient and adaptable warehouse operations play in ensuring companies not only survive but thrive during the Black Friday and Christmas shopping bonanzas.


The upcoming year presents multiple challenges: there’s not only a well-known shortage of HGV drivers but also a significant lack of warehouse workers. The growing trend of online shopping over in-store buying increases the need for skilled labour in distribution centres and warehouses.


Recent data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed that demand for warehouse staff in the UK rose by 43.2% at the end of 2022 when compared with pre-pandemic levels.


December 2022 saw over 1,000 more job adverts for warehousing jobs in the UK than in the same month of 2019


Companies in the warehouse and distribution centre sector are facing complex challenges. These include replacing EU staff, addressing critical role shortages, and navigating the shift from physical storefronts to digital marketplaces. These challenges underscore the indispensable role that efficient and adaptable warehouse operations play in ensuring companies not only survive but thrive during the Black Friday and Christmas shopping bonanzas.


The Labour Market for Warehouse Operatives is currently in a state of flux, facing myriad challenges expected to intensify as the holiday season approaches. Scarcity is a pressing issue, especially in regions with a high concentration of DCs, such as central England. The transition from conventional physical stores to online shopping platforms has substantially influenced the need for warehouse workers. 


As the e-commerce sector rapidly expands, numerous warehouses are facing an extraordinary increase in labour requirements. This is to manage the growing number of orders and changing warehouse operations. The demand covers a range of duties in warehouses, particularly focusing on the crucial tasks of picking and packing.

Reuters reports that the UK Warehousing Association (UKWA) has seen a substantial number of unfilled vacancies, forcing companies to increase hourly pay for entry-level warehouse jobs by significant margins to encourage more workers to enter the warehouse, ranging from 20% to 30%. The competition for skilled warehouse workers has become fierce, prompting employers to offer more attractive remuneration packages to secure the workforce they need during critical periods like the Black Friday and Christmas rush.


This shortage of skilled warehouse operatives extends beyond just numbers; it also encompasses the skill sets required to handle the increasingly complex tasks within modern warehouses. Warehouse technology advancements, such as the integration of automation and digital systems uses, have transformed the role of warehouse operatives. Consequently, there is a growing need for workers with the ability to operate and manage these automated systems, adding an additional layer of complexity to the labour market dynamics.



As businesses respond to these challenges, their focus extends beyond increasing pay rates. Companies are exploring innovative solutions to improve the efficiency of manual processes within warehouses. This includes the strategic allocation of dedicated locations for each item, the creation of specific zones for high-traffic items, and the use of appropriate storage solutions to streamline the picking and packing processes. 


However, with the scale and complexity of modern warehousing operations, such manual improvements may not be sufficient, necessitating a closer look at automated systems and equipment. So, with the labour market for warehouse operatives characterised by scarcity, increased competition for skilled workers, and the need for adaptive skill sets, the many types of warehouse automation emerge as a key tool for businesses to adapt to changing demand. As e-commerce demand continues to rise, companies must devise comprehensive strategies that not only address immediate labour shortages but also consider long-term solutions, such as the integration of automation around the warehouse space, to enhance operational efficiency and navigate the challenges posed by peak shopping seasons like Black Friday and Christmas.

future of warehouse automation


As businesses routinely brace themselves for the inevitable surge in demand during the festive period, the role of warehouse automation emerges as a game-changer. The holiday season, marked by Black Friday and Christmas, brings with it a flurry of orders, heightened customer expectations, and the need for swift, error-free fulfilment. In this challenging landscape, warehouse automation works as a beacon of efficiency, offering businesses a strategic tool to cope with the intensified workload.


One of the primary advantages of warehouse automation is its capacity to seamlessly scale operations to meet increased demand. Automated systems, ranging from order picking to packing and shipping, can significantly enhance the speed and accuracy of order fulfilment processes. The ability to swiftly adapt to varying order volumes ensures that businesses can maintain optimal efficiency levels, even during peak periods, avoiding bottlenecks and delays that could impact customer satisfaction.


Beyond speed, benefits of warehouse automation include precision and error reduction. Automated systems are designed to handle repetitive tasks with a high degree of accuracy, minimising the risk of human error that often accompanies manual processes within a warehouse. During the festive rush, where order accuracy and timely delivery are paramount, this reduction in errors not only ensures customer satisfaction but also mitigates the costs associated with order rectifications and returns.


Moreover, the scalability of automated warehouse solutions is not limited to order processing alone. Automated systems streamline inventory management, ensuring that businesses can efficiently track, replenish, and manage stock levels in real-time. This level of visibility is crucial during peak demand, allowing businesses to make informed decisions, optimise storage space, and prevent stockouts.


Another pivotal aspect of physical automation is its impact on labour efficiency. As demand soars, businesses often face challenges in securing an adequate workforce to handle the increased workload. The benefits of warehouse automation are in that it alleviates this strain by complementing human labour, robotics and automation reducing the need for additional personnel while augmenting overall operational output and the speed of material handling. This not only addresses labour shortages but also optimises costs, an essential consideration during the festive season, where increased expenses can impact profit margins.


Mitigate Peak Demands with Automated Warehouse Systems

As businesses routinely brace themselves for the inevitable surge in demand during the festive period, the role of warehouse automation emerges as a game-changer. The holiday season, marked by Black Friday and Christmas, brings with it a flurry of orders, heightened customer expectations, and the need for swift, error-free fulfilment. In this challenging landscape, warehouse automation works as a beacon of efficiency, offering businesses a strategic tool to cope with the intensified workload.


One of the primary advantages of warehouse automation is its capacity to seamlessly scale operations to meet increased demand. Automated systems, ranging from order picking to packing and shipping, can significantly enhance the speed and accuracy of order fulfilment processes. The ability to swiftly adapt to varying order volumes ensures that businesses can maintain optimal efficiency levels, even during peak periods, avoiding bottlenecks and delays that could impact customer satisfaction.


Beyond speed, benefits of warehouse automation include precision and error reduction. Automated systems are designed to handle repetitive tasks with a high degree of accuracy, minimising the risk of human error that often accompanies manual processes within a warehouse. During the festive rush, where order accuracy and timely delivery are paramount, this reduction in errors not only ensures customer satisfaction but also mitigates the costs associated with order rectifications and returns.


Moreover, the scalability of automated warehouse solutions is not limited to order processing alone. Automated systems streamline inventory management, ensuring that businesses can efficiently track, replenish, and manage stock levels in real-time. This level of visibility is crucial during peak demand, allowing businesses to make informed decisions, optimise storage space, and prevent stockouts.


Another pivotal aspect of physical automation is its impact on labour efficiency. As demand soars, businesses often face challenges in securing an adequate workforce to handle the increased workload. The benefits of warehouse automation are in that it alleviates this strain by complementing human labour, robotics and automation reducing the need for additional personnel while augmenting overall operational output and the speed of material handling. This not only addresses labour shortages but also optimises costs, an essential consideration during the festive season, where increased expenses can impact profit margins.




During the busy period over Black Friday and Christmas, implementing warehouse automation solutions can significantly enhance the efficiency of the picking and packing process for warehouses and e-commerce businesses. 


From autonomous mobile robots to automated sortation systems, here’s are some of the different types of warehouse automation solutions that can streamline warehouse processes and increase productivity:

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)

Streamline product movement within the warehouse
Reduce the need for manual transportation of goods
Enhance efficiency in the picking process by automating the transfer of items

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems

Enhance warehouse efficiency by reducing errors in inventory management, and improving order fulfilment speed
Maximises warehouse floor space by utilising vertical storage structures
Streamlined warehouse workflow by automating repetitive tasks and seamlessly integrating with other automation technologies

Goods-to-Person Systems

Bring products directly to the picker, reducing travel time
Minimise human effort in retrieving items from shelves
Improve order picking speed and accuracy

Automated Picking Systems

Utilise robotic arms or automated grippers to pick items from shelves
Increase the speed of the picking process while maintaining accuracy
Handle a variety of product shapes and sizes seamlessly

Sortation Systems

Automatically categorise and sort products based on destination
Expedite the packing process by pre-sorting items
Minimise errors in packaging and shipping

Pick-to-Light and Put-to-Light Systems

pick-to-light systems guide warehouse staff to the exact location of items to be picked or packed
Accelerate the fulfilment process by reducing search time
Minimise errors in item selection and placement

Automated Packaging Solutions

Implement automated packing machines for swift and consistent packaging
Optimise parcel dimensions to minimise waste and shipping costs
Integrate with labelling systems for efficient order processing

Collaborative Robots (Cobots)

Work alongside human staff to assist in the picking process
Handle repetitive and physically demanding tasks
Improve overall efficiency while ensuring a safe working environment

Voice-directed Picking Systems

Enable hands-free and eyes-free picking with voice-guided instructions
Improve worker mobility and speed in the picking process
Reduce errors associated with manual data entry

Automated Conveyor Systems

Facilitate the smooth flow of goods from picking to packing stations
Reduce manual handling and transportation between workstations
Increase overall throughput and order processing speed

Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)

Implement advanced WMS for real-time inventory visibility
Optimise order routing and fulfilment workflows
Enable data-driven decision-making to enhance overall warehouse efficiency

Adopting a combination of these warehouse automation systems empowers businesses to handle the heightened demands of Black Friday and Christmas with precision, speed, and reliability, ensuring a seamless and efficient fulfilment process during the busiest shopping season of the year.




In preparation for the next holiday season, businesses face the imperative of fortifying their supply chain and warehouse operations to meet the heightened demands efficiently. Leveraging warehouse automation solutions emerges as a strategic necessity for modern warehouse management, particularly in streamlining the picking and packing processes crucial during peak periods like Black Friday and Christmas.


L-A-C Logistics Automation, as seasoned logistics integrators and specialists in many types of automation, understands the intricacies of warehouse operations and offers tailored solutions to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and overall operational resilience allowing your business to benefit from automation.


As the countdown to the next holiday season begins, entrusting the evolution of your warehouse operations to L-A-C Logistics Automation ensures a seamless transition.


To achieve optimal inventory accuracy and maximize storage capacity, L-A-C integrates advanced fulfillment technology and modern robotics technology. Utilising Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs), RS systems, and vertical lift systems, we enhance inventory movement and reduce manual operations, thereby boosting the efficiency of your warehouse associates. Our intelligent solutions encompass material handling systems and load handling devices that streamline the handling of storage containers, ensuring swift and safe inventory movement throughout your distribution centers.


Our comprehensive software applications provide real-time data and analytics, facilitating better decision-making regarding inventory levels and storage strategies. By adopting these advanced tools, warehouse facilities can mitigate safety risks, reduce training time, and ensure ongoing maintenance for sustained performance. L-A-C's focus on modern technology and autonomous robots not only supports current operational needs but also positions your business to adapt to the future of warehouse automation. Embrace the growth in warehouse automation with L-A-C Logistics Automation and secure a competitive edge during the holiday season and beyond.



Unit 3, Charles Park Cinderhill Road, Bulwell, Nottingham NG6 8RE

0115 975 3300

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